Tuesday, April 7, 2009

February/March 2009

Ok. So I'm a little (and by that I mean a LOT) behind. :) I don't really remember what happened in February other than Valentine's Day. We had a blast! We did a fun/fancy dinner with Paul's family at his Grandma and Grandpa's house. We had a gourmet meal prepared with waiters and everything! I held strong with my no-soda pledge, even though I was tempted with tasty Sparkling Juices. I surprised Paul with tickets at Hale Center Theatre and we picked out The Scarlet Pimpernel (even though the show doesn't start until August!). Paul got me some beautiful flowers too.

March is the birthday month! Hooray!!! My Dad's birthday and our dog Kostya's birthday is the same day. Although, believe it or not, they are quite a few years apart. ;) Paul's Dad was born 2 days after my Dad (same year and everything!) We had fun celebrating with both families.

My company has an annual meeting that's always on the first Saturday in March. I got some much appreciated overtime for helping out with that. And it's always a good reminder to see what a great company I work for!

The next weekend we trecked down to St. George to attend the temple with Paul's brother Matt. He got his mission call just days before to the California San Bernadeno misson. That was so cool to have all of the Greenhalgh family members together in the temple. What a blessing to have all of your family gathered in the temple! Phil and Janice have done a wonderful job raising their children. We have great examples. Hopefully we can follow their example.

A few days later it was (drum roll please...) MY BIRTHDAY!!! I took a half day from work and I got to take a much needed nap :) haha. My most awesomest birthday present was a song that Paul wrote for me. It's AWESOME! I'll try to find a way to record him playing it so that everyone can hear it.

I'm sure something else that was fun happened in March, but I don't have it written down on my calendar at work so I don't remember. :S We've been SO blessed the past few months and hopefully we'll keep improving ourselves to be worthy of continued blessings.

Anyway, we hope all is going well for everyone who reads this, and also for all of our loved ones who don't!!!

1 comment:

Krista Eger said...

You came over to my house in March too...that was pretty momentus!