Wednesday, July 8, 2009

June 2009

June was a pretty fun month! At the very start of June Paul took a road trip to Nashville with his cousin Thomas, and Thomas' cousin Alex. He had a great time on the road (even though they got pulled over!), and also in Nashville. My favorite part is that he doesn't really hate country music anymore! YAY! I LOVE country and Paul hated it, but now we listen to it together every once in a while :).

Paul's brother Matt went into the MTC on June 3rd and was with the first batch of missionaries to get sent off to the MTC curbside. We weren't able to go, but they said that it was still a good experience. Matt is doing great and we're so happy for him and for the people of San Burnadeno!!!

Paul's grandma Louie celebrated a momentus birthday (29 again! lol) and we had a great time. I'm so happy to have such a great extended family!! We went to see "Up" in 3D with Paul's uncle Mark, we had MSG-free chinese food (MSG gives me migraines so they asked them to leave it out!! How thoughtful!), and some great family dinners to celebrate.

I passed my Negotiation Skills test at work so now I'm Pro at Negotiating :). Go me!

We went to Lagoon on the 26th and then went to the Zoo on the 27th! It was SO cool to see all the animals. They were SO active. Paul looked the cougar in the eye and he was pretty psyched about that. And we saw the Fossa!!! From Madagascar (the country and the Movie) I was amazed that it's one of the most dangerous predators in Madagascar and it's just about the same size as Kostya, our American Cocker Spaniel! It's as fast in the trees as it is on land too! It was SOO cute :). I want to go to Madagascar SO bad! It's such a beautiful place and a wonder of God's miraculous creations. I've got to get back to work now, but I hope someone reads this one this month!!! :) haha!

1 comment:

Gatherums said...

sounds like you guys have been having a wonderful summer. im happy to see that there was a post a month later instead of 2 months. i love to hear what you guys have been up to cause we never see you guys anymore. hope to see you guys soon and lets see some more pics girly! love ya!